Several studies have found that patients with dry eye symptoms have poor sleep quality 1-5. A recent large multicentre cohort study on 71,761 Dutch participants found that sleep quality was significantly reduced in participants with dry eye symptoms 3. Another recent meta-analysis has concluded that patients with dry eye disease (DED) may have poorer sleep quality, greater daytime sleepiness, less sleep, more sleep disturbances, and increased prevalence, incidence, and severity of sleep disorders compared to non-DED patients 5.
REST is designed to be incorporated into your nightly sleep routine. Forming regular habits around bedtime very quickly and effectively signals to your body when it’s time for sleep 6,7. Using REST not only helps to guide your breathing into a slower, more relaxed state promoting sleep quality 8,9, but it can quickly become a key part of your routine that mentally and physically initiates the sleeping process. Using REST immediately before trying to sleep has the added benefit of encouraging you to form healthier sleep habits – not looking at your phone or other devices, limiting blue light exposure and other disruptive stimuli 10-12. Moreover, recent work has examined how (separate from and in addition to the benefits of bedtime routines), gently warming your eyes before bed can promote sleep onset, the amount of deep sleep, and how rested people feel in the morning 13-15. REST is designed from the ground up to be a multifaceted approach to wellness, based on the robust supporting scientific literature.
Disclaimer: Umay Rest is a wellness product for relaxation and comfort. It is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any medical condition. The information in this article is for educational purposes only and not medical advice.
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